Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Title: For Three Seconds
Author: C. Lymari
Genre: NA Sports Romance
Release Date: February 4, 2020

I fell in love with Gavin Dunn when I was twelve. All it took was one game of spin the bottle and I was ruined. One kiss, and three seconds, and no matter how many boys I kissed, they didn’t make me feel like he did.
The problem? He belonged to my best friend.
I kissed him first. She kissed him last.
He once chose me, and I chose her.
When everything in my life goes wrong, somehow he’s always there to make it right. And as my best friend pulls away, he finds ways to get closer. I know that we are just waiting for three seconds before everything changes again.
Sometimes life came down to moments. Moments that seemed so insignificant that we didn’t know how it might impact the rest of our lives. In a moment, a little girl scared to hurt her best friend said no, and that changed everything. Now, in this moment, I was a woman, and I was terrified, but I wanted to take a leap and believe. 
Claudia lives in the Chicagoland suburbs, and when she’s not busy chasing after her adorable little spawn, she’s fighting with the characters in her head. After not being able to keep up with them, she decided enough was enough and wrote her first novel. C. Lymari writes both sweet and dark romances that will give you all the feels. Her other talents include binge watching shows on Netflix and eating all kinds of chips.


For Three Seconds will hook from the beginning to end including that epilogue. All it takes is three seconds to change a life, a person and a thing. You can either learn from the mistakes or move forward and right the wrongs. Your heart will hurt, chuckle and heal all in one book. 
Scarlet (Scar) and Gavin had a magnetic pull since they were younger, but the timing was never right for them. Scar did what most girls would have done and sat back and let their BF have the crush even if they secretly liked them and new that the pull was strong between them. Speaking of BF, Gigi she is someone you would like to ring a few times. All I will say to avoid any spoilers if you were NOT a true BF to Scar then or now. Karma is all I will say. 
Gavin was always there for Scar when needed even when he was saying hurtful things to make her hurt the way he hurt. Gotta say though typical of the guy to go with the BF even though he likes the other girl. Don't get me wrong, I totally get why he did though, but still hurt our hearts. Those three seconds each time has you hoping it goes better than it has. This story is about second chances, how hiding the truth is hurtful to all and sports romance. There is not a book by this author that you don't fall in love with. Love the HoCo touch in here! I look forward to reading more by this author. 

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