Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Review: Just As I Am

Just As I Am Just As I Am by Lynn Jaxon
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Just As I Am is a debut book for this author and it was amazing. You would think she has been writing for a long time as it was that well written and even though you are reading through cloudy eyes the pages just keep turning cause you want to know where your heart is going to go next. This book is about loss, love and healing. One thing to have handy reading this book is tissues and maybe a glass of wine or Starbucks if you love coffee.
Benson was a man who had it all. The love of his life, children, a successful business and so much more. In a blink of an eye it all changes with a word that many of us cringe at "Cancer". No one is ever ready to hear this or have to deal with it. The life he lived and future that was planned is gone. He is losing his BF/wife (Emily) and becomes BF with a bottle.
Emily was his light and life. While it was sad, I loved how Emily's actions were portrayed and how she continued to live on and how well she knew her family and BF, Marley. She was the Daisy in the bunch even from the younger years.
Marley and Emily were BF since college and she was like a second mom to the boys (Mitch and Henry). Never did she think she would be using her degree to help Emily enjoy her last days of life with her family. There was a reason Marley couldn't trust after what happened and for good reason, but I think that while it was lonely for her she couldn't find her one as it was meant for her to get a chance later in life. Marley held true to Emily and helped the boys and Benson. Benson was not always nice to Marley, but it was understandable as well.
It may have felt wrong to move on, but Emily knew that she wanted him to love again and when the time was right they would find something to know that it was okay to move and that it was in the making all along. I love the connection that Benson/Emily shared, the love the boys had and how they became and where they are going and I loved that Benson/Marley never replaced Emily as she lived on in their memories and then some. If you think you cried to much think again cause that ending has you in tears all over again!
While this story was heartbreaking, it was eye opening and healing as well. You are taken on an emotional roller coaster of laughter, tears, anger and happiness. This story will stay with you for a long time. I cannot wait to see more writing from this author and hope that Henry and Mitch get a story down the road. Grab tissues and pick up this amazing sad, but happy book! You will not be disappointed cause when you love, you love with flaws and all and take that person Just As I Am.

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