Thursday, November 7, 2019

Title: You Were Always Home
Series: A Homecoming Novel
Author: C. Lymari
Genre: Small Town Contemporary Romance
Release Date: November 7, 2019 Cover Design: Net Hook & Line Design


They say People change over time. That might be true, but I've had people look down at me not once, but twice. Both times, I dusted off my shoulders and carried on. When my fiancée broke things off with me, it wasn't her voice that I heard. Instead, it was Juliet Dunnett in my head, her snobby tone telling me why I wasn't good enough. Now she's back in town. No husband, no ring, looking sad and lonely as ever. I can't help but want to help her out. Can I get close to her without falling for her again?

Coming back to town when I swore people would watch the dust settle after I left wasn't as humiliating as I thought it would be. Looking for Jake Carson was another story. We were never friends and I was never his girlfriend, but we had something. Something that wasn't but still was. I didn't need a new relationship, but I was alone. All my bridges were burned and who would have thought he of all people would be my hero? Could I be near him without letting sins from our past catch up to us?
Claudia lives in the Chicagoland suburbs, and when she’s not busy chasing after her adorable little spawn, she’s fighting with the characters in her head. After not being able to keep up with them, she decided enough was enough and wrote her first novel. C. Lymari writes both sweet and dark romances that will give you all the feels. Her other talents include binge watching shows on Netflix and eating all kinds of chips.

You Were Always Home is book two in the HOCO series and while each can be read as a standalone, I believe you will connect with the stories and secondary characters better if you read the whole series. In these characters you will see sass, chemistry, love, heartache and healing throughout each story. This one will touch you a little more as it covers domestic violence and how fate while cruel allowed for healing to occur on more than one person as you will see in this story. Leaving this as bland as possible to avoid any spoilers. 
Juliet is a Dunnett and one of two families who are rich in their small town. You were meant for brighter things whether you agreed with this or not being in this family. It was actually quite heart-wrenching reading her story and seeing how her family especially her brothers treated her during this time. I will say a brother redeems himself at the end, but still no person should have to please others to get through life. As you will see Juliet is stronger than she realizes. She went from riches to rags and then some, but she didn't let this get her down. She pushed forward as others may not have. I truly believe that while sad what occurred it lead her back to town for some characters in this story outside of Jake. There is one person who always held her heart, they weren't quite friends you can say or anything really, but Jake and her had a connection in H.S.. She did what she could to protect both of them. 
Jake is the town's sweetheart you can say. He's been burned a time or two at love/lust and when Juliet comes back to town, he can see changes in her, but how far can a person really change? Well you will see after reading the story. Haha The connection they shared in H.S. is still there, but does he allow his conclusions to ruin what could be? 
We see not only their story, but the secondary characters. You will love some, want to shake some and hug others. I love the connection with Jess/Rosie. Jess truly did hide things at best, but Juliet was able to pull a side we loved out of her. This story will touch your heart over and over. While we know that there is one more book coming in this series and the author marks it as final, I am holding out hope that we get a novella on Jana/Rusty (which I think will be touched on a little more in the upcoming book, maybe based upon who the next story is on, but I could be wrong as there are two up for who is potentially next-Prescott or Clark) with Jess and Blake getting their HEA's. We know where Jana/Rusty are, but a combined story on a few of these secondary characters would be an awesome 2.5 book to close the series. This ending leaves your heart whole after everything that was developed. So until the next HOCO is released enjoy a cup of coffee or art of your choice to hold you over! 

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